Development of an Arabic Handwriting Learning Educational SystemKeywords: Arabic handwriting learning , handwriting mistakes , handwriting teaching , attibuted relation al graph , intel l igent systems Abstract: In today many students produce a wrong and illegible handwritingand teachers need a lot of time to checkthe handwriting errors.The traditional approach for handwriting teachingneeds a long hours ofhandwriting practice.Unfortunately, this is notadvantageousin many cases. In this paper,wedevelopanautomated educational system for Arabic handwritinglearning anddetectionof errorssuch as:the strokeproduction errors, stroke sequenceerrors,stroke relationship errors and stroke interline errors. Then oursystem can check the handwriting mistakes andimmediatelyprovide a feedback to the students to correctthemselves.In this work, weused an attributedrelationalgraphto locate the handwritingmistakes.The experimentalresults show that our proposed systemcan treat multiplecasesof errors with satisfied accuracy