Object-Level Behavior Analysis using Cohesion and Coupling MetricsKeywords: Complexity measures , Object oriented databases , Performance measures , Product Metrics Abstract: The object relational database (ORDB) management systems signify a set ofinterrelated objects using reference and collection attributes. The static classleveldesign metrics for designing ORDB dictates the structural complexity ofthe object-relational schema, whereas the dynamic nature of the ORDBdemands object-level assessment using runtime metrics which help determinethe functional complexity of the database. Runtime coupling and cohesionmetrics are deemed appropriate in measuring the Object-level behavioralcomplexity.In this work we use the runtime cohesion and coupling metrics forstudying the dynamic behavior of ORDB by measuring the behavioralcomplexity of the objects in ORDBs. Experiments on sample ORDB schemasare conducted using statistical analysis and correlation clustering techniquesto assess the dynamic behavior of the objects in real time relationalenvironment. The results indicate that the object behavior in ORDB directlyinfluences the database performance. The future works pertaining to thisresearch form the concluding note.