A TRANSMISSION RANGE BASED CLUSTERING ALGORITHMFOR TOPOLOGY CONTROL MANETKeywords: transmission range , power optimization , Topology formation , adhoc networks Abstract: This paper presents a novel algorithm for clustering of nodes by transmission range based clustering(TRBC).This algorithm does topology management by the usage of coverage area of each node and powermanagement based on mean transmission power within the context of wireless ad-hoc networks. Byreducing the transmission range of the nodes, energy consumed by each node is decreased and topology isformed. A new algorithm is formulated that helps in reducing the system power consumption andprolonging the battery life of mobile nodes. Formation of cluster and selection of optimal cluster head andthus forming the optimal cluster taking weighted metrics like battery life, distance, position and mobility isdone based on the factors such as node density, coverage area, contention index, required and currentnode degree of the nodes in the clusters