Physical-chemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Organic Strawberries Conserved with Biofilms and RefrigerationDOI: 10.5539/jfr.v1n3p247 Abstract: Biodegrabable and edible coatings were applied on fresh strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa Duch), ‘Camarosa cultivar’, produced in organic system and stored at 10oC for nine days. Color, mass loss, incidence of rottenness and chemical analyses contents was evaluated. Suspension of cassava starch and grains of kefir milk reduced evolution of fruit coloration when compared uncoated fruits. Treatment associated cassava starch and kefir liquid resulted in a lower rottenness incidence and less mass loss of the fruits, is therefore recommended for postharvest organic strawberries. Anthocyanin and titrable acidity contents increased during storage, regardless of the treatments in general.