Electronics 2012
Design of a Bioelectronics Hybrid System in Real Time and in Closed LoopKeywords: bioelectronics , closed loop systems , real-time data processing , hybrid (living-artificial) networks , MEA (MultiElectrode Arrays) , in vitrocell culturing Abstract: Hynets, for Hybrid (living-artificial) Networks, are an efficient and adaptable experimental support to explore the dynamics and the adaptation process of biological systems. We present in this paper an innovative platform performing a real-time closed-loop between a cultured network (e.g. neurons) and an artificial processing (e.g. software processing or a robotic interface). The system gathers bioware, hardware, and software components and ensures the closed-loop data processing in less than 50 μs. We describe also a methodology that may help to standardize the description of some experiments. This method is associated to a full custom Graphical User Interface. We detail here the system choices, components, and performances.