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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Enfoque UTE  2012 

Understanding the current state of the NFC payment ecosystem: A graphbased analysis of market players and their relations

Keywords: NFC , Pagos móviles , Telecomunicaciones , Financiero , Mobil Payments , Telecommunication , Financial

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El reciente desarrollo de la tecnología Near Field Communication (NFC) ha permitido laaparición de servicios de pago a través de teléfonos celulares. Además, esta innovacióntecnológica ha iniciado una evolución continua relativa a las operaciones de pago. Lasempresas y los investigadores proyectan que la función predominante de las tarjetas de créditoserán progresivamente sustituidos por dispositivos móviles. En este trabajo se describe endetalle NFC y se realiza un análisis de red basado en gráficos para determinar los participantesy las industrias involucradas en la red, así Abstract: The recent development of Near Field Communication (NFC) technology has enabled theemergence of payment services using mobile phones. Furthermore, this technologicalinnovation initiated an ongoing evolution concerning payment transactions. Companies andresearchers project that the prevalent function of credit cards will be progressively substitutedby mobile devices. In this paper NFC is described in detail and a graphed based networkanalysis is performed to determine players and industries involved in the network as well as therelations, including conflicts, cooperation, or alliances between these actors.


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