Demographical Features of Patients with Suicidal Drug Intoxication, Glasgow Coma Scale and Revised Trauma Score Relationship with MortalityKeywords: Drug intoxication , suicidal , mortality , GCS , RTS Abstract: Objective: It is aimed in this study to analyze whether a relationship exists between mortality and demographical features, Glasgow coma scale (GCS) plus revised trauma scores (RTS) of inpatients diagnosed with suicidal drug intoxication.Material and Methods: Files of a total of 120 patients admitted in the reanimation unit because of suicidal drug intoxication whose data we could access were analyzed retrospectively. Results: 75.8% (n=91) of our patients were female while female/male ratio was 3.13/1. The average age of our patients was 25.18±10.26 years whereas mean arterial blood pressure, mean pulse rate and mean respiratory rate were 85.09±18.08 mmHg, 105.25±27.07 and 11.54±4.39, respectively. Mean GCS and RTS values of our patients on initial admission were 10.48±3.34 and 6.52±1.20, respectively. Mean duration of hospital stay of our patients was 6.43±14.2 days. 64 of our patients (53.3%) ingested a tricyclic antidepressant, while 22 (18.3%) took organic phosphorus. 33 (27.5%) cases were multiple-drug intoxication. 37 patients (30.8%) required mechanical ventilation support and mean duration of follow-up under mechanical ventilation support was found to be 2.39±9.08 days. 11 of our patients (9.1%) died. A statistically significant relationship was found not only between mortality and organic chlorine (p=0.002) plus TCA intoxication (p=0.003), but also between mortality and GCS (p<0.001) plus RTS (p=0.003). Conclusion: Since suicidal drug intoxications are among important issues faced in the emergency room and intensive care units, it was concluded that physiological scoring systems used for initial assessment and follow-up, as well as the kind of drug taken had impacts on mortality.