THE EFFECT OF CADMIUM INJECTED IN OVO ON MINERALS LEVEL IN TISSUES OF ONE-DAY OLD CHICKSKeywords: cadmium , in ovo , chicks , tissues , LA-ICP-MS , selenium Abstract: The distribution of cadmium injected in ovo on day 4. of incubation in tissues of one-day old chicks was examined for the first time by the LA-ICP-MS method . The effect of cadmium on metabolism of essential elements in tissues was also investigated. The kidneys and liver were the main target organ for cadmium (P<0.05) in chicks, but far more intensive accumulation in reproductive tissues was observed. The fluctuations in the levels of majority of studied elements were found but significant differences (P<0.05) were observed only for manganese, calcium , and selenium. The most intensive increase of selenium were observed in gonads, probably as the defense factor against oxidative stress induced by cadmium.