SOME ASPECTS REGARDING TECHNIQUES OF STOCHASTIC APPROXIMATION IN SYSTEMS ANALYSIS. A SURVEYKeywords: Control processes , Diffusion processes , Stochastic approximation processes , Stochastic differential equations , Stand-by systems. Abstract: As it is known the stochastic-approximation procedures require very little priorknowledge of the process and achieve reasonably good results. For this reason such methodswork satisfactorily in various applications. Many and very important results are obtained, inparticular, by Gnedenko, Solovyev, Venter and Gastwirth. In this paper we refer to some aspectsregarding to the problem of the increase of the effectiveness of stand-by systems as a way inwhich the stochastic-approximation techniques can be applied in practice. Also some aspectsconcerning the stochastic-approximation plan will be discussed.