Clinically effective CK-MB reporting: How to do it?Keywords: Creatine kinase , %CK-MB , immunoinhibition , macroCK Abstract: The clinical utility of measuring the Muscle Brain (MB) isoenzyme of creatine kinase (CK) in the diagnosis of myocardial injury is well established. CK/CK-MB measurement in combination or CK-MB alone is widely used and reporting the results of CK-MB in absolute unit is the common current practice. CK-MB is widely measured by "Immunoinhibition" in India, which gives falsely elevated CK-MB results in the following circumstances: Central nervous system damage, childbirth, macro CK-immunoglobulin complex, in patients with carcinoma of various organs, such as prostate carcinoma and other adenocarcinomas. But, reporting %CK-MB rather than the absolute CK-MB results assists in detection of macroCK (or CK variants), associated proliferative and autoimmune pathologies and their prognosis.