ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCHES - A WAY OF GUIDING HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TO SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHKeywords: teach , science , students , environment , metals , pollution Abstract: An air quality study using lichens as biomonitors was done by involving of high school students. After a detailed describing of every stage of the research and their personal studies, they have participated on the selection of study area, sampling and data notation, samples preparation, analytical study by EDXRF method, graphical representations and interpretation of results. In all of these activities students have applied basic and advanced knowledge’s from subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Math and IT; also, they have used modern instrumentation for analytical studies and modern software packages for data processing and interpretation; thus, they were able to understand the impact of human and economical activities on the quality of the environment and to present it to their colleagues in an symposium. A study of air quality using lichens as biomonitors was achieved by involving high school students. After a detailed analysis describes each stage of their personal research and study, they participated in selecting the study area, sampling and data notation, sample preparation, analytical study by EDXRF method, graphics and interpretation of results. In all these activities, students apply basic and advanced knowledge is from subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, mathematics and IT, also have used modern tools for analytical and modern software packages for processing and interpretation data, so they were able to understand the impact of human activities on the environment and economic and submit it to their colleagues in a symposium.