THE EFFECT OF EXHAUSTION RUNNING ON SATIETY AND PLASMA PEPTIDE YY IN HEALTHY MALESKeywords: running exhaustion , peptide YY , satiety , lactate , cortisol Abstract: KOUSHKI, M. H.; MOLLANOVRUZI, A.; HAMEDINIA, M. R. The effect of exhaustion running on satiety and plasma peptide YY in healthy males. Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity. v. 6, n. 4, p. 236-244, 2012. Peptide YY is intestinal peptide that plays an essential role in regulating food intake and energy homeostasis. Very little is known about the effects of exhaustion running on satiety and gut peptides. We investigated the effects of exhaustion running on the feeling of satiety, plasma peptide YY, lactate and cortisol. Twenty two male (age 19.41 ± 1.66 years, BMI 21.43 ± 2 kg/m2 and weight 65.24 ± 4.95 kg) performed an exhaustion session running with 60-85% intensity of maximal heart rate. Blood sampling were taken before and immediately after exhaustion running for measurement plasma lactate, cortisol and PYY. Exhaustion exercise cause significant decrease on plasma PYY (P= 0.017) and satiety (P= 0.002) and a significant increase in plasma lactate (P= 0.001). Suppression of peptide YY and decreased satiety after exhaustion exercise, showed significant positive relationship between them. Except physiological factors, other factors are involved in regulating appetite.