La colaboración interuniversitaria en Chile. El caso de proyectos MECESUP desde la perspectiva de las ciencias de la complejidadKeywords: networks , university collaboration , complex systems , MECESUP Abstract: COLLABORATION AMONG CHILEAN UNIVERSITIES. THE CASE OF MECESUP PROJECTS UNDER THE PERSPECTIVE OF COMPLEXITY SCIENCES Carolina Urbina, Juan Pablo Cárdenas, Darío CárdenasABSTRACTThis study has analysed the collaboration among Chilean universities in the program MECESUP. The results show that collaboration is an unusual phenomenon where regional institutions have taken a leading role in recent years in a process characterized by homogeneous networks of units responsible for projects implementation. However, most remarkable in this study is that results obtained seem to be related with a metric of complexity proposed for the institutions involved in this program and the heterogeneity of the studied system.