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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721



Micromachines  2013 

Guard Cell and Tropomyosin Inspired Chemical Sensor

DOI: 10.3390/mi4040378

Keywords: biomimicry, bioinspired sensor, chemical sensor, function, design, physiology, morphology

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Sensors are an integral part of many engineered products and systems. Biological inspiration has the potential to improve current sensor designs as well as inspire innovative ones. This paper presents the design of an innovative, biologically-inspired chemical sensor that performs “up-front” processing through mechanical means. Inspiration from the physiology (function) of the guard cell coupled with the morphology (form) and physiology of tropomyosin resulted in two concept variants for the chemical sensor. Applications of the sensor design include environmental monitoring of harmful gases, and a non-invasive approach to detect illnesses including diabetes, liver disease, and cancer on the breath.


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