Symmetry 2013
Interplay between Point-Group Symmetries and the Choice of the Bloch Basis in Multiband ModelsDOI: 10.3390/sym5040313 Keywords: correlated electrons, point-group symmetries, functional renormalization group Abstract: We analyze the point-group symmetries of generic multiband tight-binding models with respect to the transformation properties of the effective interactions. While the vertex functions in the orbital language may transform non-trivially under point-group operations, their point-group behavior in the band language can be simplified by choosing a suitable Bloch basis. We first give two analytically accessible examples. Then, we show that, for a large class of models, a natural Bloch basis exists, in which the vertex functions in the band language transform trivially under all point-group operations. As a consequence, the point-group symmetries can be used to reduce the computational effort in perturbative many-particle approaches, such as the functional renormalization group.