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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Power Law Distribution of Urban Population in China

DOI: 10.12677/ULU.2014.21001, PP. 1-7

Keywords: 幂次法则;人口分布;区域不均衡
Power Law
, Population Distribution, Regional Disparity

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Power law is a common phenomenon in natural and social sciences, including cities. Though many attempts have been made to understand the underlying mechanisms of the power law phenomenon, it means a lot to cities. This phenomenon is a manifestation of an emerging, objective law in urban population distribution, which can serve as a basis not only for theory construction from the top down, but also for simulations on urban complex systems from the bottom up, in particular as a reference for urban and regional policy making in China. Through mass urban population statistics, we found in the present paper that the R2 values for the urban population distribution in China were high, indicating that distribution fulfills the requirement of the power law distribution. In addition, the q values scattered around unity, fulfilling the requirement of the rank-size rule. Starting from 1999 through 2009, the evolution toward the power law of the urban population distribution in China intensified, with the slope of q moving further away from ?1, indicating imbalanced development of cities.


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