- 2018
伦理主题在经济思想中的变迁Keywords: 经济思想,古典哲学,功利主义ethic topics,history of economic thought,ancient philosophy,utilitarianism Abstract: 文章全面回顾了伦理主题在经济研究中的变迁过程,总结其中的思想背景,分析了研究范式变化的内在逻辑。研究发现:自古希腊起,伦理主题就一直是经济论述的重要组成部分,两者不可拆分。19世纪后半期,随着经济学家对功利主义研究的深入,抽象演绎方法逐渐普及,经济学家开始从经济研究中剥离伦理主题,构筑纯粹的经济理论体系。但最近几十年来,随着经济学遭遇方法论的挑战,主流经济学家逐渐意识到经济研究中剥离伦理主题的危害。随着实证和实验工具的迅速发展,主流经济学正试图重新将伦理主题纳入经济研究范式。Abstract:This paper reviews the changing process of ethic topics in the history of economic research, summarizes its background and analyses the inner logic of the change. We find that ethic topics have always been an important part of economics since ancient Greek. In the late 19th Century, with the progress of utilitarianism and deductive methods, economists gradually removed ethic topics from economics to construct a pure economic theory system. But in the late decades, some economists have noticed the harmfulness of this practice since the main stream economics faced with challenges on methodology. So ethic topics have been introduced into economics again with the progress of empirical and experimental method.