- 2019
网络空间意识形态边界及其安全治理Keywords: 网络空间, 意识形态边界, 意识形态治理cyberspace, ideological boundary, ideological governance Abstract: 意识形态边界是区分和界定不同意识形态的重要标志,其边界明晰是意识形态安全治理的必要前提。网络空间意识形态边界需要在有界与无界的碰撞中进行明晰,体现为网络传播范围无界与主导意识形态确立有界、网络空间承载内容无界与主流意识形态认同有界、网络融合发展态势无界与意识形态安全治理有界的张力存在。然而,网络空间意识形态边界因多样化社会思潮与一元主导意识形态的隔膜、意识形态抽象性与意识形态呈现方式具象化的断裂、思想传播极速与价值信仰积淀失序而出现错乱。为此,我们要在多元、多样、多变的网络空间锤炼主导意识形态的引领力、主流意识形态的凝聚力、亿万网民的践行力,提升网络空间意识形态安全治理能力。Ideological boundary is an important symbol to distinguish and identify different forms of ideologyand constitutes a necessary precondition to protect the ideological security. The boundaries between differentideologies in cyberspace need to be clarified, and in particular it is necessary to distinguish the bounded fromthe unbounded and to develop a clear understanding of the tension between them. The conflicts between thebounded and the unbounded include the following binary oppositions: the scope of online transmission isunbounded, while the determination of what is the dominant ideology is bounded; what is transmitted throughthe Internet is unbounded, while the identification with the mainstream ideology is bounded; the tendency of theintegration of different elements online is unbounded, while the governance of ideological security is bounded.However, the ideological boundaries are blurred by the following factors: the gap between the plural socialthoughts and the need to adhere to the single dominant ideology; the disconnection between the abstract natureof ideology and the concreteness of its forms; and the conflict between the fast speed of online transmissionand the enough time needed for the development of good values. Therefore, we have to enhance the guidingand cohesive roles played by the mainstream ideology and help hundreds of millions of netizens improve theirpractice ability in a cyberspace characterized by pluralism, diversity and volatility so as to increase our capacityto govern the ideological security online