- 2018
abLIM1 constructs non-erythroid cortical actin networks to prevent mechanical tension-induced blebbingDOI: 10.1038/s41421-018-0040-3 Abstract: a Expression of abLIM1 in different cells or mouse tissues. β-actin served as loading control. b, c abLIM1 was a cell cortex protein. Intact U2OS or RPE1 cells (b) or the cells treated with EDTA to acquire a spherical morphology (c) were subjected to immunostaining and confocal microscopy. A single optical section is shown for the cells in (c). βII spectrin served as cell cortex marker. Arrows point to typical regions positive for both proteins. Nuclear DNA was visualized by DAPI. d Subcellular localization of GFP-abLIM1 in U2OS cells. Arrows indicate regions apparently positive for GFP-abLIM1, βII spectrin, and F-actin. Note that highly expressed GFP-abLIM1 displayed colocalization with actin bundles. e Overexpressed GFP-abLIM1 colocalized with cortical actin bundles. Shown are confocal micrographs of a representative RPE1 cell. The two dimensional (2D) images were projected from all optical sections or just Paxillin-free top sections. The 3D reconstructed image is shown as the top view, accompanied with side views of the indicated positions. Paxillin signals mark the bottom side of the cell. f GFP failed to show associations with F-actin in RPE1 cells. Note that the cell is also abundant in cortical actin bundle