Design Considerations of a Simplified Multiple Dividing Wall Column Pilot PlantDOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/chemengineering3020034 Abstract: This contribution elaborates the design considerations of a simplified version of a four-product multiple dividing wall column in pilot plant scale that will be built at Ulm University. This will be the first realization of a multiple dividing wall column worldwide. A detailed simulation approach, starting from the initialization by Vmin-method, is presented to obtain a feasible design of the column, taking into account the constraints of the operation within a university environment. The operating point was found by simulation studies, using the integrated optimization tool of AspenPlus ? V10. It is shown that an NQ-curve can be applied on simplified multiple dividing wall columns. Based on the determined operating point, the thermodynamic and the fluid dynamic design of the pilot plant are discussed in detail. It is shown that the designed column can be operated to obtain all products with a purity of at least 98 mol%. View Full-Tex