Investigating Primary School Teachers’ Knowledge Towards Meanings of Fractions | Do?an | International Education Studies | CCSEDOI: 10.5539/ies.v12n6p56 Abstract: The concept of fraction and the concepts related to the fraction have an important place in primary and secondary school education programs. In this respect, primary school teachers need to be careful about the concept and sub-meaning of the fraction. In this study, general survey model was used to determine the level of knowledge of the primary school teachers about the meaning of fractions. A total of 266 primary school teachers (149 female and 117 male) participated in the study in Turkey. For collecting data, a success test was developed by the researchers about the meaning of the fraction. The data were analyzed by using SPSS 21 package program. The general success average of the teachers was found to be 60.2%. The most successful sub-meaning of the fraction is the operator meaning with 80% and the least successful meaning is ratio meaning with 48%. Furthermore, it was concluded that there is a positive correlation with each other in all sub-meanings fractions