- 2019
Establishment of New Fundamental Theory in Diffusion Phenomena | Okino | Applied Physics Research | CCSEDOI: 10.5539/apr.v11n1p82 Abstract: Investigating the elementary process of diffusion revealed that the De Broglie hypothesis is really valid in a material and further that the Schr?dinger equation is reasonably derived from the diffusion equation. The diffusion equation is thus one of the fundamental equations in physics. The problem between a moving coordinate system and a fixed coordinate system for the diffusion equation had never been discussed until recently in the history of diffusion theory. In that situation, it is revealed that investigating the problem between those coordinate systems is indispensable for understanding the diffusion phenomena. The new findings obtained here, which are revolutionary in the existing diffusion theory, will be not only dominant but also indispensable for further advance in the diffusion study