- 2018
The Peterson Proactive Developmental Attention Model: A Framework for Nurturing the Rest of the Whole Gifted ChildKeywords: model,affective curriculum,counseling,small-group discussion,social and emotional development,whole child Abstract: The Peterson Proactive Developmental Attention (PPDA) model offers a framework for affective curriculum for gifted children and adolescents and for both formal or informal interaction with individuals. The model was developed in authentic clinical and educational settings in response to perceived needs but was also informed by considerable research focused on the social and emotional development of gifted youth. The proactive, developmental, and attention components are explained here, and findings from three studies of the model attest to its usefulness. The model is adaptable to a wide age range and can enhance communication across achievement levels, cultural groups, and socioeconomic levels. The small- and large-group applications can be facilitated by laypersons with brief training