- 2016
PENGARUH EKSTRAK KOPI ROBUSTA TERHADAP EKSPRESI OSTEOKALSIN PADA OSTEOBLAS SELAMA PERGERAKAN GIGI ORTODONTIDOI: https://doi.org/10.22146/teknosains.23158 https://doi.org/10.22146/teknosains.23158 Keywords: Alveolar bone remodeling, Orthodontic tooth movement, Osteocalcin, Robusta coffee Abstract: The objective of research is to determine the expression of osteocalcin on osteoblasts during orthodontic tooth movement after administration robusta coffee extract. Materials and Methods: 16 rats were divided into 2 groups: group K: rats applied with orthodontic mechanical force (OMF) and group P: OMF + coffee robusta extract of 20mg /100 g of BW. OMF was conducted by applying ligature wire on permanent maxillary right first molar and both permanent maxillary incisivus. Subsequently, the permanent maxillary right first molar moved to mesial with Ni-Ti orthodontic closed coil spring. Observations were made on day 15 by immunohistochemical examination to determine the expression of osteocalcin. Results: Robusta coffee extract improved the expression of osteocalcin in the compression and tension areas (p <0.05). Expression of osteocalcin in tension area larger than that in compression area (p <0.05). Conclusion: The administration of Robusta coffee extract increases the expression of osteocalcin, which can increase alveolar bone remodeling