- 2014
Los museos como espacios de aprendizaje desde la perspectiva del profesoradoAbstract: (Appendice: El MoMA, un Museo de vanguardia para familias BEATRIZ RODRíGUEZ-RABADáN, CONCEPCIóN NAVAL, SARA JIMéNEZ FERNáNDEZ) Focus of this paper is on the pedagogical-educational research interest for museums, as extraordinary learning opportunity, along with the cooperation between the school and the museum. The museum is a powerful resource for non-formal education, through which it becomes possible to promote the wealth of educational experiences. It is urgent to prepare teachers on this direction, by optimizing their action and their process of teaching and learning, also through the promotion of school visits. An important objective even in the period of university training of future teachers. There is also a presentation of case-study