- 2019
Political Literacy in TurkeyKeywords: Politik ilgi,politik bilgi,politik kat?l?m,politik okuryazarl?k Abstract: As a derived form of literacy, political literacy is one of the qualities that should constitute a target in the field of citizenship education for everyone. Political literacy is not only an ‘objective’ in itself, but also a requirement for individuals to grow up as active and efficient citizens and to build a healthy democratic culture. It is also a tool for the solution of national and international problems in the political sphere. It is essential for the citizen who has a central role and share in the formation of the society to be included in the social institutions, to actively maintain its existence, to develop the awareness of citizenship in this process, and to use its political participation right and responsibility more consciously. Political literacy is also the guarantee of the belief in democracy in a society. In view of that basic necessity, the nature of political literacy is examined in the first stage of the study, the values and processes it encompasses, the reason why it is important and needs are taken into consideration; and then facts regarding the status of political literacy in Turkey are brought forward as provided by accessible sources. The study is a theoretical review based on the review, compilation, synthesis and presentation of the resources reached in the national and international literature