- 2018
A Case Diagnosed As Hypophyseal Gigantism On A Family Medicine PoliclinicKeywords: Hipofizer adenom,gigantizm,sa?l?k raporu,aile hekimli?i Abstract: Abstract Hypophyseal gigantism is a rare disease that develops due to the secretion of growthhormone in excess of the pituitary before epiphyseal plaques are closed, leading to a rapid and extreme height extension. In this case report, a patient was diagnosed with ahypophyseal gigantism who was suspected and investigated physical characteristics ofa 15 year old male patient who came to Ordu University Training and Research Hospital Family Medicine Polyclinic to receive a medical report to play volleyball. In this case,it was tried to draw attention to the fact that different patient groups could apply to Fa-mily Medicine polyclinics