- 2018
QUALIFICATION OF SAFE RETURN TO PLAY CRITERIA AFTER ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT RECONSTRUCTIONKeywords: ?n ?apraz ba?,sportif rehabilitasyon,spora geri d?nü? kriterleri Abstract: Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) plays an important role in maintaining the function of the knee. In case of injury declining of the muscle strength and unstability of the knee occurs which affects the thigh muscle functions in a bad way. Conservative or/and surgical methods are used as a treatment method. In literature, different criterias can be found for return to play. Even though these criterias were fulfilled, in two years time after first ACL reconstruction, rerupture of the ACL risk is high. Purpose of this study is, compare ACL recontructed patients’ data, who have normal knee functions according to return to play guideline, to their health extremity and to non-injuered healthy subjects’ data. 14 healthy male subject and 15 unilaterally ACL reconstructed patient enrolled into the study. Tegner activity scale, Lysholm Knee Score and active range of motions were evaluated. Single leg hop test, flamingo balance test, isokinetic test and proprioceptive evaluations were done too. There were no statistically significant differecences demographical datas, activity levels and knee scores between groups (p>0,05). Passive joint sense at 30? has statistically significant difference between operated and healthy knee (p<0,05, operated knee has better result). Between ACL group patients and healthy subjects, there were statictically significant differences between functional tests, proprioseptive measurements and operated extremity hasmtring muscle strength (p<0,05). Arthrogenic muscle inhibition occurs bilaterelly after an unilateral ACL rupture. This event causes a misguiding for gaining a functional symmetrical extremities. However knee functions can be insuffienct in contrast to healthy subjects. For this reason at ACL rehabilitation programme, improving lower extremity functions should be done bilaterally