- 2018
Namecide and Resistance in Socialist BulgariaKeywords: Sosyalist Bulgar Politik Otoritesi,Etnik Soyk?r?m,Etnik Süpürme,Adk?r?m?,Direni?,Yerli Ulusal Türk Az?nl???,Ma?dur Abstract: The concept of namecide defines the systematic-political forced removal of native names belonging to ethnic, cultural, religious or national groups. Instead of the namecide concept, the phrase “forced change of name” is used in the dominant and widespread literature.In modern Europe the most obvious and accelerated example of namecide includes some implementations during ethnic genocide on national Turkish minority, the so-called “revival process” in socialist Bulgaria. The study examines the patterns of reaction and resistance given by national Turkish minority against namecide implementation in socialist Bulgaria, with focusing on the period between 1984-89. In this study were used empirical data of the nature of primary sources collected in the form of observations and interviews with victims