- 2018
FROM RATIONAL AND BEHAVIOR ECONOMY TO ECONOMY OF VALUESKeywords: Homo ekonomikus,rasyonel insan,davran??sal iktisat/ekonomi,de?erler iktisad?,Neoliberal iktisat,minimal devlet,sosyal sermaye Abstract: Neoclassical economic theory, which is based on rationality of human, today directs the dominant economic policies of the world. As a result of these policies, the distribution of income and wealth in the present situation is far beyond acceptable. Fort his reason, instead of neoliberal economic policies that exclude moral and public control from economic life, it is necessary to have a fair understanding of economics, based on social values and public supervision, aiming to produce for the essential needs of the poor, instead of desire of the rich, aiming to capital accumulation. In this sense, it is necessary for social welfare and peace to regulate economic life in the framework of values that take into account social cohesion and social responsibility rather than individuality and are sensitive to nature as well as human beings