- 2018
The neotectonics of NE Gaziantep: The Bozova and Halfeti strike-slip faults and their relationships with blind thrusts, TurkeyKeywords: Neotektonik,Güneydo?u Türkiye,Gaziantep,Bozova Fay?,deprem,yap?sal de?erlendirme Abstract: In the northeast of Gaziantep, east-west trending thrusts, northeast-southwest trending left lateral strike-slip faults and northwest-southeast right lateral strike-slip faults are located. They are typical features of the neotectonics of southeast Anatolia, Turkey. Detailed mapping of these structures and structural data obtained from field studies indicate that east-west trending thrust faults and related fault propagation folds is post-Pliocene. The strike-slip faults that cut these structures should be younger than the thrust fault. On the other hand, the recent seismic activity in the southeast Anatolia (2011.10.23 – M=7.3 Van; 2012.06.14 – ML=5.5 ??rnak-Silopi earthquakes) shows that north-south compression is taken by both thrusting and strike-slip faulting