- 2018
SOME BIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF CLIMBING PLANTSKeywords: T?rman?c? bitki,odunsu t?rman?c?,biyolojik ?zellikler,orman,peyzaj Abstract: Climbing plants are plants that are weak-stemmed and need a physical support to grow upright. Climbers have thin and long stems, and their stem elongation is relatively fast. They absorb water and nutrients from the soil through their roots. Climbers are usually angiosperms and form flowers and fruits. They are vascular plants and have xylem and phloem tissues. Climbers can be classified as annual, biennial or perennial in life span; herbaceous or woody in wood formation; tendril, twining, petiole, root, adhesive tendril or hook in climbing type and evergreen or deciduous climbers in leaf fall. In forest tending activities, it should be struggled with woody climbers of which damages are much. In landscape arrangements, the biological characteristics of species should be considered when selecting climbing plant species, and our native species should be given priority in terms of the continuation of their genetic resources