- 2018
INVESTIGATION OF SOME ECOHYDROLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS AND LAND USE RELATIONS IN WATERSHED SCALE (Bertiz Stream Watershed Sample)Keywords: Toprak etüdü,Arazi kullan?m?,Erozyon,Bertiz ?ay? Ya??? Havzas? Abstract: Investigation of the structure and functions of natural ecosystems and their relationship to each other is an important step in achieving the necessary baseline data for sustainable planning and management. This research was carried out to evaluate the relations among with some physiographic, soil and hydrologic characteristics and land use which were effected of Bertiz Stream flow. The research area is located in the Kahramanmara? province. Within the scope of the research, the physiographic characteristics (slope, aspect and altitude), some soil (texture, pH, bulk density, water holding capacity, particle density, permeability, colloid humidity equivalent, dispersion ratio and porosity) and hydrological properties (form factor, circularity ratio, elongation ratio, stream frequency, drainage density and hypsometric curve) of the area have been evaluated. The average altitude of the watershed is 1563 m and the average slope is 23.5%. The 42.95% of Bertiz Stream Watershed is covered forest area, 34.85% is covered agriculture land and 22.20% is rangeland. Dispersion ratio and colloid / humidity equilibrium values in terms of erosion tendency index were found to be above the limit values in all three land uses. Watershed soils are generally susceptible to erosion. This situation is due to the decreased vegetation ratio with the negative physiographic characteristics in the areas with semi-arid climate type. As a hydrological feature, the form factor was 0.42 and the circularity ratio was 0.41 for the research area. The frequency ratio and drainage density of 1557 streams in the area was determined as 5.01 and 2.37 respectively. It has been determined that the concentration of drainage density in the study area was not sufficient to discharge sudden flows in the watershed in a short time. The abrasion power and abilities of rivers were excessive. Current degraded forests must be rehabilitated to prevent sediment transport in the watershed and reduce erosion sensitivity in the soil, optimal land use plans should be prepared and misuse of land should not be allowed