- 2019
The History of Rebus and Where It is UsedKeywords: Rebus,Resfebe,Resimli Bulmaca,Resimli Alfabe,?leti?im Abstract: Throughout history, people have employed varied methods for communication.The process of communication has sometimes been direct while at other times it has been indirect. Within this contex, rebus catches attention as a means of communication. In the distant past, when there was no alphabets or linguistic communication, man used to paint their feelings and thoughts on cave walls. Those people were, in a way, discoverers of the most primitive form of rebus. That practice continued until the invention of pictographic writing, the most primitive example of the writing system used by the Sumerian and Egyptian civilizations. Much later, rebus was in use for either artistic or educational purposes from the beginning of the Renaissance to the present day. Sometimes we see them on a painting or in a letter or sometimes in a commercial logo design created by a graphic designer. In addition, with the emergence of mobile phones and other similar technological devices, rebus continues to exist through emogies images, a universal communication means, in everyday life and it seems that it will continue to exist in new areas of life in future