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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




温度和pH对血鹦鹉(Amphilophus citrinellus × Paraneetroplus synspilus)肠道和肝胰腺消化酶活力的影响
Effects of Temperature and pH on Digestive Enzyme Activities in Intestine and Hepatopancreas of Blood Parrot (Amphilophus citrinellus × Paraneetroplus synspilus)

DOI: 10.12677/OJFR.2022.91004, PP. 26-35

Keywords: 血鹦鹉,肠道,肝胰腺,消化酶活力,温度,pH
Blood Parrots
, Intestinal, Hepatopancreas, Digestive Enzyme Activities, Temperature, pH

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本实验研究了不同温度和pH对血鹦鹉肠道和肝胰腺蛋白酶、淀粉酶和纤维素酶活力的影响。结果表明,在设定的温度和pH条件下,血鹦鹉消化酶活力随温度和pH的增加表现为先升高后下降。肠道和肝胰腺中蛋白酶的最适温度分别为55℃、45℃;淀粉酶的最适温度分别为35℃、25℃;肠道纤维素酶的最适温度为45℃。肠道和肝胰腺中蛋白酶的最适pH分别为8.0、10.0;淀粉酶的最适pH均为7.0;肝胰腺纤维素酶的最适pH为5.0。在各自最适温度下,血鹦鹉蛋白酶活力大小为肠道 > 肝胰腺,淀粉酶活力大小为肝胰腺 > 肠道;在各自最适pH下,血鹦鹉蛋白酶活力大小为肝胰腺 > 肠道,淀粉酶活力大小为肠道 > 肝胰腺。
The effects of temperature and pH on the activities of protease, amylase and cellulase in intestine and hepatopancreas of blood parrot were studied. The results showed that the digestive enzyme activity of blood parrot increased first and then decreased with the increase of temperature and pH. The optimum temperature of protease was 55?C, 45?C, amylase was 35?C, 25?C, cellulase was 45?C. The optimal pH of protease was 8.0, 10.0, amylase was 7.0, and cellulase was 5.0. Under the optimum temperature, the order of the activity of blood parrot protease was intestine > hepatopancreas, the order of the activity of amylase was hepatopancreas > intestine; under the optimum pH, the order of the activity of blood parrot protease was hepatopancreas > intestine, the order of the activity of amylase was intestine > hepatopancreas.


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