Late marriage is a factor that has both advantages and disadvantages.
Although some people prefer to get married in their late life and some people
do not have an opportunity to get married at a suitable age, both of them would
face the consequences of late marriage. Contrary to what is known, late
marriage does not just include either disadvantages or advantages. It combines
both of them into people’s life. Nowadays, both men and women prefer late
marriage because they want economic empowerment in their life. Also, if these
people study in universities or for master’s or Ph.D., their marriage age would
be late. On the other hand, career targets make people delay their marriages
even if they have a partner in their life. When they delay their marriage age,
they may face advantages, such as time for personal growth, education and
career opportunities, good mental health, and disadvantages, such as birth rate,
disagreement between spouses, and the risk of HIV. This paper aims to
comprehend and explain the fundamental reasons why people delay their marriages
briefly, the advantages of late marriage, and the disadvantages of late
marriage. In addition to these, another aim is to specify whether the
advantages predominate or disadvantages. In the research method part, we review
the literature about late marriage and the advantages and disadvantages of late
marriage, and then we try to determine the idea of whether late marriage is
good or not in the discussion part.
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