Optoelectronics 2022
Einstein’s explanation of the photoelectric effect has passed for more than 100 years. In the past 100 years, photosensitive materials have developed rapidly. Through the analysis of the frequency response curves of photosensitive materials, it can be seen that the frequency response curves of photosensitive materials have a peak frequency and an upper limit frequency, which is difficult to explain in the traditional photoelectric effect interpretation of the concept of “As long as the optical frequency is greater than the cutoff frequency, photoelectrons can be excited”. According to the atomic energy level theory and covalent electron theory, it can be considered that the covalent electrons in the photosensitive crystal alone form a covalent electron common energy level, and the covalent electrons operate on the iso-energy surface of this energy level. When hf is equal to the difference between the valence electron energy level and free electron energy level of the photosensitive material, the photon energy of the light is transferred to the valence electrons in the photosensitive material to form free electrons. For photosensitive materials with an external photoelectric effect, free electrons escape from the crystal under the action of an external electric field to form photoelectrons; for photosensitive materials with a photocurrent effect (internal photoelectric effect), the current is formed under the action of external voltage.
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