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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Scientific Explanation of the Universe’s Evolution Based on the Relativity Theory

DOI: 10.12677/MP.2023.134009, PP. 71-77

Keywords: 时间,空间,相对论,宇宙演化,Time, Space, The Relativity Theory, Theory of Cosmic Evolution

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In order to explain the emergence of the theory of cosmic evolution, this paper starting from the time and space view of classical physics, explains that Newton’s first law is not applicable when de-scribing the state of quantum-level high-speed moving objects. The basic concepts and predictions of special relativity and general relativity are briefly introduced. According to the predictions’ verifications of relativity theory with vast astronomical observational facts, it is inferred that general relativity theory is a correct theory suitable for describing and explaining the creation and evolution of large-scale cosmic space. From the aspects of the universe’s expansion, the material composition of stars, the determination of the universe’s age, et cetera, scientific explanations for the universe’s evolution are given.


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