Contextandobjective: The COVID-19 pandemic has become a major
public health problem and has mobilized many innovative means of diagnosis. The
Central African Republic is not spared. The emergence of variants and their
impact require health monitoring despite the obligation of vaccination. The purpose of this campaign was to determine the
circulation of pending second-wave variants. PatientsandMethods: A second mass screening campaign took place from 02 to 22 July 2021 in the main
land and river entry points of Bangui (Exit North-PK12, Exit South-PK9, Port
Beach) and at the LNBCSP. Antigenic and RT-PCR tests carried out on
nasopharyngeal samples made it possible to select strains which were finally
sequenced. Results: Of 2687 participants included in the study, 53
(1.97%) were positive for SARS-CoV-2. Thirteen (1.53%) were male and 40 (2.18%)
female. The analysescarried out on the LumiraDx analyzer
were positive for 109 samples against 53 on the RT-PCR. The prevalence was
higher in the most tested age groups (30 to 50 years) with two clusters
identified. B.1.617.2 (Delta) variants were predominant (57%). Conclusion: SARS-CoV-2 continues to circulate. The acquisition of automated antigenic tests
(LumiraDx®) with sensitivity and specificity close to those of the
reference test (RT-PCR) will allow better mass diagnosis for an optimization of
the surveillance of COVID-19 in our countries with limited resources. The
predominance of the B.1.617.2 (Delta) variant would suggest a third wave in the
Central African Republic.
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