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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




A Review of Diagnostic Methods and Related Interventions for Depression

DOI: 10.12677/ASS.2024.131001, PP. 1-7

Keywords: 抑郁症,诊断方法,病理机制,干预
, Diagnostic Methods, Pathological Mechanism, Interventions

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Depression is a common mental disorder that brings serious harm to individuals, families and society due to its high prevalence, harmfulness, high risk of suicide and high rate of disability. With the accelerated pace of life and work, people have to face more and more pressure, leading to an increased likelihood of developing depression. In this study, a brief review of the diagnostic methods and related interventions for depression in recent years found that the traditional assessment and diagnostic methods for depression have shortcomings such as subjectivity, invisibility, and susceptibility to misdiagnosis, and that the correlation between the different etiologies and pathologic mechanisms of depression and the intervention methods is relatively ambiguous. This review selects the more commonly used and generally effective intervention methods for depression according to different etiologies and pathological mechanisms, and categorizes and compares the existing diagnostic methods for depression, with a view to providing ideas for the development of intervention and diagnosis of depression in China, and to better serve the clinic and counseling.


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