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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Controversy Surrounding around the Preservation and Abolition of Chinese Characters in the End of Meiji Period of Japan—Focusing on the Tokyo Asahi Shimbun and East Asian Studies

DOI: 10.12677/OJHS.2024.121012, PP. 75-79

Keywords: 日本,汉字,罗马字,日语
, Chinese Characters, Romaji, Japanese

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From the beginning of the Meiji Restoration to the First Sino-Japanese War, with the impact of Western culture, Japanese intellectuals gradually began to examine the role of Chinese characters in the development of Japan. Against this backdrop, a movement aimed at abolishing Chinese characters and introducing phonetic scripts such as Romanization and kana emerged to reshape the Japanese writing system. Scholars, journalists, and educators expressed their views in various magazines and newspapers during this movement, becoming the main driving force in the discussion of the “retention or abolition of Chinese characters”. This article employs a literature review methodology, examining opinions from various sources in the end of Meiji period such as Tokyo Asahi Shimbun and East Asian Studies. It organizes and analyzes the arguments surrounding around the “Abolition theory of Chinese characters” and opposing views, providing an in-depth understanding of the Japanese society’s scrutiny and contemplation of the Chinese character writing system during that time.


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