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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




Research on the Protection and Sustainable Development of Mogao Grottoes

DOI: 10.12677/SD.2024.141016, PP. 110-118

Keywords: 中国,世界遗产,莫高窟,可持续发展,保护
, World Heritage Site, Mogao Caves, Sustainable Development, Protection

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Taking the Mogao Grottoes, a World Heritage Site, as a Specific Case Study, this study compares the existing quantity and preservation integrity of the site with other countries, and provides some suggestions through current protection policies and analysis of the protection and repair methods for damaged parts. Through comparative analysis with famous World Heritage Sites (Grottoes) in different countries, this study provides a detailed study of the historical background and heritage protection of grottoes in various countries, and improves the protection methods for Mogao Grottoes, searches for relevant information and data, understands the protection policies of national World Heritage sites, analyzes deficiencies, and provides suggestions. This article attempts to provide relevant suggestions on the challenges faced by the protection and sustainable development of Mogao Grottoes.


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