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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




The Subjects of Unfair Competition Behavior in the Internet Economy

DOI: 10.12677/ECL.2024.131045, PP. 372-377

Keywords: 互联网经济,不正当竞争行为,竞争秩序
Intent Economy
, Unfair Competition, Competition Order

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In the era of the Internet, due to the characteristics of digitalization and virtualization, unfair competition behavior presents a new form in the cyberspace that is different from the past. The Anti Unfair Competition Law restricts the scope of application of the law by restricting the actors, leaving many unfair competition behaviors occurring on the Internet outside the scope of legal regulation. On the basis of analyzing cases of unfair competition on the internet, gain a deep understanding of market competition in the cyberspace. From the perspective of maintaining competitive order, identify unfair competition behavior. In order to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of operators, create a better online business environment, and promote healthy economic development, the behavior of market participants in online activities that damages the competitive interests of operators and the order of fair competition without reasonable basis should be recognized as an unfair competition behavior under the Unfair Competition Law regulation.


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