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OALib Journal期刊
ISSN: 2333-9721




On Zhang Jian’s Inheritance and Transcendence of Tongcheng School

DOI: 10.12677/ojhs.2024.124037, PP. 237-244

Keywords: 清末,张謇,桐城派,中体西用
Late Qing Dynasty
, Zhang Jian, Tongcheng School, Chinese Style Westernization

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Zhang Jian had a deep relationship with the Tongcheng School: Young Zhang Jian followed Zhao Pengyuan to study the ancient literature of the Tongcheng School. When he was in a difficult situation, he was rescued by Sun Yunjin. Zhang Jian also studied under Zhang Yuzhao, a disciple of Zeng Guofan, in Jiangning and grew up in the Wu Changqing Curtain of the Huai Army. Zhang Jian admired Zeng Guofan, who revived the Tongcheng School. The study of the Zeng also laid the foundation for Zhang Jian’s pioneering and pragmatic thinking and “magnificent literary style”, which deeply influenced his actions in the party struggle between the emperor and the empress, as well as in the industrial salvation movement. Later, Zhang Jian took over as the head of the Wenzheng Academy in Jiangning, sparking the beginning of new learning in the late Qing Dynasty. As a descendant of Zeng Guofan, Zhang Jian inherited the Confucian ideology of the Tongcheng School in the Qing Dynasty and strived to “connect China and the West”, initiating a transformation from traditional feudal literati to the national bourgeoisie.


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