In the Sun Wu period of the Three Kingdoms, it exemplified a typical feudal small peasant economy characterized by an amalgamation of agriculture and weaving. Farmers were self-sufficient, with land serving as the primary means of production. By scrutinizing the tax records on bamboo slips from Zumalou, Changsha during the Three Kingdoms era, it becomes apparent that taxes on fields, rice, cloth, and population constituted the principal forms of taxation in Sun Wu. Sun Wu’s tax policy aligned with the attributes of a small-scale peasant economy within feudal society. The state implemented policies emphasizing agriculture and supporting small-scale peasants to safeguard their source of taxation while maintaining stability in feudal rule and reaping resources and benefits from the production structure of these peasants. Conversely, burdensome taxes coupled with population-stimulating measures resulted in excessive population growth which exerted certain adverse effects on the small peasant economy.
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