汉代瓦当是中国古代建筑中独特的组成部分,既有实用功能,又是艺术与文化的载体。本文运用文献信息可视化软件CiteSpace,对近三十年来中国知网数据库中聚焦汉代瓦当研究的期刊论文进行历时分析发现:1) 该研究经历了从考古挖掘、资料分类、文化内涵挖掘,到应用设计的历程;2) 研究主题逐渐多元化,研究内容由浅入深。特别是近十年,汉代瓦当融入现代设计、应用于文创产业的成果日渐增多。汉代瓦当的整体性和地域性考察得到学界重视,跨学科研究越发显著。
The Han dynasty eaves tile is a unique part of ancient Chinese architecture, which has both practical functions and is the carrier of art and culture. This paper uses the literature information visualization software CiteSpace to make a diachronic analysis of the journal papers focusing on the Han dynasty eaves tile research in the CNKI database over the past thirty years. It is found that: 1) The research has experienced a process from archaeological excavation, data classification, and cultural connotation excavation to application design; 2) The research topics are gradually diversified, and the research content is from shallow to deep. Especially in the past ten years, the Han dynasty eaves tile has been integrated into modern design and applied in the cultural and creative industry. The investigation of the totality and territoriality of Han dynasty tiles has gained the attention of academics. Interdisciplinary research is becoming increasingly significant.
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