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ISSN: 2333-9721




Violences Causing Negative Impacts in the Sahel Countries between the 19th and 21st Centuries

DOI: 10.4236/ojps.2024.144033, PP. 578-613

Keywords: Sahel, History, Colonialism, Decolonization, Natural Violence, Ideological Violence

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The Sahel is a vast African region that has suffered from many forms of violence before, and after decolonization. These may be caused by nature (climate and drought, for example) or by human action: lack of political sensitivity, military dictatorships, the impact of various religions, etc. Traditional life changed rapidly with the presence of colonial powers, and since decolonization there have been no improvements for the population, except for those individuals who belong to the social elite. This essay deals with some of the forms of violence that have occurred in the Sahel in the last two centuries, but one of the most current forms of violence is not addressed: emigration from various Sahelian countries to Europe and other parts of the world, as this aspect would make this essay exceed its scope.


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