Descripción de la Biblioteca Digital ComPADRE Destinada a la Ense?anza y el Aprendizaje de la FísicaDOI: 10.4067/S0718-50062012000200002 Keywords: digital libraries, compadre, teaching and learning, physics education. Abstract: the use of digital resources in scientific education is discussed and a detailed description of the services of compadre, a digital library created for the teaching and learning of physics is presented. compadre (abbreviation of communities of physics and astronomy digital resources in education) started in 1997 when the american association of physics teachers founded the physical sciences resource center establishing since then active collaboration with several important scientific societies of the physics world. from the study and analysis it is concluded that one of the greatest attributes of compadre is that educators can find in a single place a great amount of teaching resources that have been carefully selected.