Mortalidad materna: evento trágicoKeywords: maternal mortality, perinatal mortality, preventable. Abstract: in the world every day, every minute, and in most cases in developing countries, a mother dies from a complication related to pregnancy, childbirth or puerperium. this death is more tham just a personal or family tragedy; she encourages us to take active participation. it is known that this sad event implies a high socio-economic burden for the state, community and family, with invaluable consecuences. the magnitude of this disaster rises to an annual loss of 600 thousand mothers also about 50 million cases with injuries derive from this, both are substantially preventable. three decades of research have proven that implementing small and feasible measures can significantly reduce the health risks that women face during the pregnancy.the quality of life and health services can be evaluated by two key indicators: maternal and perinatal mortality. global agents multilateral institutions have been organized to address this unacceptable reality health, particularly in developing countries a profound analysis and has taken place specific plans have been suggested. the results to date are not satisfactory; they are more evident in developed countries. in our country, the maternal mortality ratio in the last fifteen years has been stable around 60 per thousand live births, which is considered high. the factors involved are many, including health and other areas such as socioeconomic, cultural and environmental. guidelines for maternity care are presented: health promotion, health-care activities, teaching, research and administrative measures, aimed to reduce these terrible tragedies.