Ius et Praxis 2010
EL ERROR INDUCIDO POR DOLO COMO CAUSAL DE NULIDAD DEL MATRIMONIO CIVIL EN LA LEY No. 19.947: ACEPTACIóN Y CONSECUENCIAS DE SU REGULACIóNDOI: 10.4067/S0718-00122010000200005 Keywords: nullity of marriage, error on the qualities, fraud, marital consent. Abstract: this paper analyses the error induced by fraud of one party as a defect of the spouse's will in marriage. after a [broad] explanation of the error regime under the civil marriage act of 1884, the author demonstrates the irrelevance of the [current] absence of regulation for error. finally the investigation is focused on requirements and consequences of the misrepresentation causedby fraud as a ground of the lack of marital consent.